PMO as a Service

Project Management Office as a Service (PMOaaS) can provide significant benefits for your business in managing, supporting and supervising projects.

Your project data will be stored in a Cloud environment. This means an availability of your data for your project teams  anytime and anywhere. By using the renowned Cloud Project solutions your data will always be safe.

PMO-S helps your organization with:

Expertise and Experience: PMO-S brings with it in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of project management. Our experts are often up-to-date on the latest best practices and methodologies, allowing them to provide valuable insights to make your projects successful.

Efficiency and consistency: PMO-S can provide standardized processes, templates and procedures to ensure consistency in project execution. This increases efficiency and reduces errors.

Project planning and management: PMO-S can help create project plans, allocate resources, monitor progress, and manage risk. They ensure that projects stay on track and are executed within budget.

Reporting and communication:  PMO-S can provide regular reporting and communication to stakeholders, including executives, project teams and clients. This helps maintain transparency and make informed decisions.

Risk management: PMO-S can conduct risk analysis and develop risk management strategies to identify and minimize potential challenges.

Capacity expansion: PMO-S provides flexibility by brokering additional capacity and expertise for your organization when needed, without the need to hire permanent staff.

Cost control: By taking advantage of PMO-S’s services, you only pay for the services you need, which can result in cost efficiencies compared to employing a full in-house PMO team.

Focus on core operations: Outsourcing project management tasks to PMO-S allows your internal teams to focus on their core activities and strategic goals.

Scalability: Whether you want to manage a single project or multiple projects at once, PMO-S can flexibly scale to meet your needs.

Continuous learning and improvement: PMO-S provides you with the opportunity to learn from executing different projects (lessons learned) and to identify and share best practices to improve project performance over time.

Stap 1: Basis PMO

Our basic PMO package includes essential services such as project planning, risk management, reporting, and communication. This is at the heart of your PMO solution and provides a solid foundation for project management.

Step 2: Extensibility

In addition to our basic package, we offer a range of additional services that you can add as you wish:Resource Management: Optimize the use of your resources and staff for maximum efficiency.

Portfolio management: Manage and prioritize your project portfolio to support your strategic goals.
Training and Development: Invest in your team’s skills with customized training sessions.
Project Audits: Let us review your projects to identify and improve best practices. Continuous Improvement: Work with our experts to optimize and evolve your PMO processes.

Step 3: Scalability

You can change your subscription at any time. If your needs change or you need more or less support, we’ll adjust your plan to make sure you’re always getting the right PMO services.

PMO-S Modular subscription options

  • Essential project planning and management
  • Regular reporting and communication


  • 1 project
  • Simple project dashboard

Hours per week:

  • Essential project planning and management
  • Regular reporting and communication


  • 2 projects
  • Regular reporting and communication with action and decision lists and simple project dashboard

Hours per week:

  • Essential project planning and management
  • Regular reporting and communication


  • 2 projects
  • Reporting including action and decision list and a comprehensive project dashboard

Hours per week:


Expanded service
  • Expansion of project planning with inventory and monitoring per milestone

Additional hours per week:

Expanded and comprehensive service
  • Extensive project reporting in MS-Word, Excel, Powerpoint, including extensive project dashboard

Additional hours per week:

Resource Management
  • Optimize resource and workforce management

Additional hours per week:

Training & Development

  • Customized Training Sessions

Additional hours per week:
By appointment

Project Audits
  • Assessing and improving project

Additional hours per week:
By appointment

Scalability: Customization of services

  • Adapt your subscription to your changing needs
  • If you want to add more projects or more time to your subscription

Hours per week:
By appointment

Schaalbaarheid: Aanpassen van diensten
  • Pas uw abonnement aan op uw veranderende behoeften
  • Indien u meer projecten of meer tijd wilt inbrengen in uw abonnement

Uren per week:
Op afspraak

Custom-made or modular and scalable

PMO-S can help your company manage projects more effectively, minimize risk, and increase your overall project management capacity, which can lead to a higher chance of success and greater business success. Contact PMO-S to choose the solution that fits your specific needs and business goals.

PMO-S can provide the services as a custom or from a modular and scalable model, for a certain period of time, as a subscription or one-off.

Describing a Project Management Office as a Service (PMOaaS) in a scalable model subscription means presenting the services and options in a modular and customizable way, allowing you to choose which specific PMO services you need based on your needs and budget.

Advantages of the PMO-S modular subscription:

Cost control: Pay only for what you need, without unnecessary extras.

Flexibility: Customize your PMO solution based on your projects and priorities.
Expertise: Benefit from the expert guidance and support of our experienced PMO team.
Efficiency: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your projects with proven best practices.

With our PMO-S Modular Plan, you can take control of your project management and put together the perfect solution that will lead your business to success. Contact us to discuss your needs and create your personal PMO solution.

Below you can see the PMO-S modular subscription clearly described in a matrix form to clearly display the various services and options.