Why PMO-S?

Experience that counts
Our decades of experience in various sectors of business and government are your guarantee of expertise and proven results.

Tailor-made solutions

We understand that every organization is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions that meet your specific needs and goals.

Subscription services
If you need a service for a longer period of time, you can also choose a subscription type for this. You can put this together according to your needs.

Reliability and resilience

We believe in building strong foundations for your business so you can face the future with confidence, no matter what it brings.

At PMO-S, we are ready to support and guide your organization on its path to success and resilience. Find out how we can help you achieve your goals and contact us today.

The driving force behind PMO-S: Meet Hans Wilthof

In the world of IT services, expertise is invaluable and Hans Wilthof is exactly the professional you are looking for. With a wide list of international assignments at many companies, including Getronics, KPN and Atos, Volkswagen, Siemens, Aviva Insurance, Nexperia, Hans Wilthof is a thorough professional in the field.

Hans Wilthof has extensive experience in leading complex projects and large-scale programmes. His years of experience as a project and program manager span the entire breadth of industry, governments, financial institutions and he has proven to be able to tackle small, agile projects as well as large-scale, global programs with the same skill and precision.

What really sets Hans Wilthof apart is his expertise in the field of business continuity and disaster recovery. In an era where digital availability is essential, he has helped organizations prepare for the unexpected and recover quickly from challenges. His strategic approach and in-depth expertise make him a valuable asset for any organization striving for resilience and continuity.

But Hans Wilthof’s impact goes beyond national borders. With a wealth of international experience, he has worked on assignments for some of the world’s leading companies, including Siemens, Volkswagen, ING and Aviva. He understands the complexities of global operations and knows how to tailor solutions to each client’s unique needs.

In short, Hans Wilthof is the driven professional you can rely on to lead your IT projects and programs. His commitment to excellence, combined with his wealth of experience and international perspective, makes him the perfect partner to drive your organization forward. If you are striving for success in the world of IT services, Hans Wilthof is the name you need to know.